Why are we capable on rental property management service?
We are enthusiastic on solving day to day problems. Our goal is to maximize the return for all the investors and to provide a warm and suitable environment for tenants so that to offer better professional property management in Auckland.
We are serious on every problem occur and use the appropriate method to solve the problems. We will not delay on every single problem occurred. We will take our responsibility to solve the problem.
During the property rental, communication is essential to make sure everything is on the right track. As a professional property management company, we are proudly to act in this role and we know we are the best.
Zero Tolerance Policy
We make it clear that our clients who own the rental property have taken out a mortgage, the rent must pay on time, if we have a tenant that is consistently behind despite all of our efforts, and we will apply to Tenancy Services for mediation and termination of tenancy.